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Court should always be the last resort for parties in a family law dispute.

At Hayher Lee LLP we offer both mediation and arbitration services for parties interested in avoiding court by using a skilled third party to help them solve the family law problems they are facing.

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process involving a neutral mediator who can assist parties and their counsel resolve matters outside of court. In Mediation you can think outside of the box and have creative solutions to address your legal problems. Sometimes you can have a creative solution that a court could not provide you because of the rigid application of legal principles.

Arbitration is much more formal than mediation and involves the parties entering into an agreement to arbitrate. In arbitration, each party will present evidence and make their case to an arbitrator. While arbitration is more formal than mediation, it is still much more flexible than court. Arbitration provides the parties and counsel to provide ideas and input into the design of the process. The input of the parties can streamline the process and cut down the cost and time required for the arbitration. At the end of the process, the arbitrator will deliver a confidential written decision that is legally binding on the parties.

Areas of Expertise for Mediation & Arbitration


An experienced neutral party, assisting in the resolution of family legal matters.


An experienced neutral party, assisting in the resolution of family legal matters.

Find a Hayher Lee Lawyer

Andy Hayher KC


Andy is experienced in all aspects of family law and has appeared before all levels of court. He is recognized for his unique expertise arguing appellate matters primarily before the Alberta Court of Appeal and occasionally before the Supreme Court of Canada.

Andy was appointed King’s Counsel in 2022 and is one of a handful of Canadian lawyers who have been admitted to the International Academy of Family Lawyers – a recognition of his international family law work, including international child abductions. Andy is fluent in Punjabi and has a working knowledge of Hindi.

Learn more about Andy